2021年に発表されたMIT・東大・HIPPOとの共同研究論文が掲載誌であるScientific Reportsの2021年のneuroscienceの分野で、3,460もの論文の中でBEST10になりました!
「Enhanced activations in syntax-related regions for multilinguals while acquiring a new language」という論文です。詳しくご覧になりたい方はこちら!↓↓↓
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It is our great pleasure to inform you that your research article Enhanced activations in syntax-related regions for multilinguals while acquiring a new language received 8,651 article downloads in 2021, placing it as one of the top 100 downloaded neuroscience papers for Scientific Reports in 2021 Scientific Reports published more than 3,460 neuroscience papers in 2021, and so a position in the top 100 most downloaded articles is an extraordinary achievement — your science is of real value to the research community. You can access all the most downloaded articles within this category by visiting our Top 100 in Neuroscience page. What next?The Scientific Reports team will be promoting your article in the coming weeks via the journal’s social media channels.Spread the word of your achievement by adding this graphic in your email signature, presentations, or social media. Please share this good news with your corresponding authors too.We thank you for your contribution to Scientific Reports. Publish with us again Are you preparing your next manuscript? See what’s new at Scientific Reports by browsing our Submission Guidelines, Editorial Process, Calls for Papers, and more. Yours sincerely, Rafal Dr Rafal MarszalekChief Editor, Scientific Reports Nature Portfolio *Data obtained from SN insights which is based on Digital Science’s Dimensions. |